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NESTiD Seminar

NESTiD Seminar

NESTiD Seminar Coordinator: George Mertzios

Here you can find the links to the dedicated webpages for the NESTiD Seminars and videos from previous years: Past NESTiD Seminars

NESTiD Seminar 2024/25

The seminar talks will be streamed online on zoom. Whenever the speaker is physically present in Durham, the presentation will also be in the room MCS2050 at the MCS building (in addition to zoom streaming). Whenever a speaker is not physically present, all people at Durham are invited to watch the zoom seminar in the above room. Below you can find the list of speakers and talks for the year 2024/25. In the schedule of talks below is in UK time.

NOTE: Please refer to the schedule below for any room changes for some selected talks.

Link for 2024-25 Seminar videos: click here

Term 1 of 2024/25:
(online on teams)

Date and TimeTalk
Friday 11 Oct 2024
13:00 – 14:00

(Inaugural talk of the NESTiD seminar series)
Artur Czumaj (University of Warwick, UK)
Streaming Graph Algorithms in the Massively Parallel Computation Model
We initiate the study of graph algorithms in the streaming setting on massive distributed and parallel systems inspired by practical data processing systems. The objective is to design algorithms that can efficiently process evolving graphs via large batches of edge insertions and deletions using as little memory as possible.

We focus on the nowadays canonical model for the study of theoretical algorithms for massive networks, the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model. We design MPC algorithms that efficiently process evolving graphs: in a constant number of rounds they can handle large batches of edge updates for problems such as connectivity, minimum spanning forest, and approximate matching while adhering to the most restrictive memory regime, in which the local memory per machine is strongly sublinear in the number of vertices and the total memory is sublinear in the graph sizes.

This is a joint work with Gopinath Mishra and Anish Mukherjee.
Friday 18 Oct 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Jie Xu (University of Leeds, UK)
A system for training massive-scale models with billions of parameters
In this presentation, we will share our recent experience with designing and implementing a practical system, STRONGHOLD, for training massive-scale language models with billions of parameters, with a focus on our offloading mechanism for efficiently moving data amongst GPU memory and CPU RAM/secondary storages.
Deep Learning is advancing rapidly, and with it, the size of foundation models is increasing exponentially. However, training these models requires significant GPU resources and power, which can be unaffordable for many academic and industry research teams. Even for AI teams in large companies, resources are limited, and purchasing and maintaining these devices can be prohibitively expensive. For instance, training a GPT-3 model requires over thousands of high-performance-configured A100 GPUs for continuous 3 months. Our system, STRONGHOLD, addresses this challenge by offloading model weights to CPU RAM or other secondary storages dynamically and loading them back when needed, minimizing GPU memory requirements. STRONGHOLD also allows data movement and on-GPU computation to overlap to hide the extra overhead introduced by the offloading mechanism. Compared to state-of-the-art offloading-based solutions, STRONGHOLD improves the trainable model size by 1.9x to 6.5x on a 32GB V100 GPU, with 1.2x to 3.7x improvement on the training throughput. We have successfully deployed STRONGHOLD in production to support large-scale DNN training.
Friday 25 Oct 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Arpan Mukhopadhyay (University of Warwick, UK)
On optimal server allocation for parallelizable jobs
A large proportion of jobs submitted to modern computing clusters and data centers are parallelizable and capable of running on a flexible number of computing cores or servers. Examples of such jobs include training of large machine learning models, simulation of climate models etc. Although allocating more servers to such a job results in a higher speed-up in the job’s execution, it reduces the number of servers available to other jobs, which in the worst case, can result in an incoming job not finding any available server to run immediately upon arrival. Hence, a natural question to ask is: how to optimally allocate servers to jobs such that (i) the average execution time across jobs is minimized and (ii) almost all jobs find at least one server immediately upon arrival. To address this question, we consider a model of a loss system where jobs with arbitrary concave speed-up functions arrive and a server allocation scheme is used to allocate one or more servers from the system to each arriving job based on the availability of the servers. If a job does not find any available servers upon entry, then it is blocked and lost. We propose a simple server allocation scheme that achieves the minimum average execution time of accepted jobs while ensuring that the blocking probability of jobs vanishes as the system becomes large. To prove our result, we employ Stein’s method which also yields non-asymptotic bounds on the blocking probability and the mean execution time.
The talk will be based on joint work with Samira Ghanbarian (uWaterloo), Ravi R. Mazumdar (uWaterloo), and Fabrice Guillemin (Orange Labs, France).
Friday 1 Nov 2024
13:00 – 14:00
William (Billy) Moses Jr. (Durham University, UK)
Towards communication-efficient peer-to-peer networks [slides-pdf]
We focus on designing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks that enable efficient communication. Over the last two decades, there has been substantial algorithmic research on distributed protocols for building P2P networks with various desirable properties such as high expansion, low diameter, and robustness to a large number of deletions. A key underlying theme in all of these works is to distributively build a random graph topology that guarantees the above properties. Moreover, the random connectivity topology is widely deployed in many P2P systems today, including those that implement blockchains and cryptocurrencies. However, a major drawback of using a random graph topology for a P2P network is that the random topology does not respect the underlying (Internet) communication topology. This creates a large propagation delay, which is a major communication bottleneck in modern P2P networks.

In this talk, we look at designing P2P networks that are communication-efficient (having small propagation delay) with provable guarantees. Our main contribution is an efficient, decentralized protocol, Close-Weaver, that transforms a random graph topology embedded in an underlying Euclidean space into a topology that also respects the underlying metric. We then present efficient point-to-point routing and broadcast protocols that achieve essentially optimal performance with respect to the underlying space.

This talk is based on joint work with Khalid Hourani and Gopal Pandurangan that appeared as a paper in ESA 2024.
Friday 8 Nov 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Yannic Maus (TU Graz, Austria)
Sparsification for communication-efficient distributed

We will present sparsification approaches beneficial for
designing algorithms in the CONGEST model, with a particular focus on
local symmetry-breaking problems such as graph colorings.
Friday 15 Nov 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Jason Schoeters (University of Florence, Italy)
Temporal Cycle Detection and Acyclic Temporisation
In graph theory, a cycle can be seen as a structure that allows its vertices to loop back to themselves, or as a structure that allows pairs of vertices to reach each other through distinct paths. We extend these concepts to temporal graph theory, resulting in multiple interesting definitions of a “temporal cycle”. For each of these, we consider the problems of CYCLE DETECTION and ACYCLIC TEMPORISATION. For the former, we are given an input temporal graph, and we want to decide whether it contains a temporal cycle. Regarding the latter, for a given input (static) graph, we want to time the arcs such that no temporal cycle exists in the resulting temporal graph. We’re also interested in ACYCLIC TEMPORISATION where we bound the lifetime of the resulting temporal graph. Multiple results are presented, including polynomial and fixed parameter tractable search algorithms, polynomial-time reductions from 3-SAT andNot-All-Equal-3-SAT, and temporisations resulting from arbitrary vertex orderings which cover (almost) all cases. 

This is a (soon to be submitted) work with Júlio Araújo, Davi De Andrade, Allen Ibiapina, Andrea Marino, and Ana Silva.
Friday 22 Nov 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Thirupathaiah (Thiru) Vasantam (Durham University, UK)
An on-demand resource allocation algorithm for a quantum network hub and its performance analysis
To support the execution of multiple simultaneously running quantum network applications, a quantum network must efficiently allocate shared resources. We study traffic models for a type of quantum network hub called an Entanglement Generation Switch (EGS), a device that allocates resources to enable entanglement generation between nodes in response to user-generated demand. We propose an on-demand resource allocation algorithm, where a demand is either blocked if no resources are available or else results in immediate resource allocation. We model the EGS as an Erlang loss system, with demands corresponding to sessions whose arrival is modelled as a Poisson process. To reflect the operation of a practical quantum switch, our model captures scenarios where a resource is allocated for batches of entanglement generation attempts, possibly interleaved with calibration periods for the quantum network nodes. Calibration periods are necessary to correct against drifts or jumps in the physical parameters of a quantum node. We then derive a formula for the demand blocking probability under three different traffic scenarios using analytical methods from applied probability and queueing theory. We prove an insensitivity theorem which guarantees that the probability a demand is blocked only depends upon the mean duration of each entanglement generation attempt and calibration period and is not sensitive to their underlying distributions. Our numerical results support our analysis. Our work is the first analysis of traffic characteristics at an EGS system and provides a valuable analytic tool for devising performance driven resource allocation algorithms.

This is a joint work with Scarlett Gauthier (TU Delft) and Gayane Vardoyan (TU Delft & UMass, Amherst).
Friday 29 Nov 2024
13:00 – 14:00
Shiri Chechik (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Streaming edge coloring with subquadratic palette size
In this talk, we will explore the problem of computing an edge-coloring in the (one-pass) W-streaming model. Here, the edges of an $n$-node graph arrive in arbitrary order, and a machine with limited memory aims to output a proper edge-coloring using as few colors as possible.

It is well-established that any graph can be edge-colored using $\Delta + 1$ colors, where $\Delta$ is the maximum degree of the graph. However, achieving this bound in the W-streaming model with small memory remains a challenging open question.

Previous work has provided an algorithm using $\tilde{O}(n)$ space and approximately $O(\Delta^2)$ colors. In this talk, we will present a new randomized algorithm that, while still operating in $\tilde{O}(n)$ space, reduces the number of colors used to a subquadratic value, improving upon the quadratic dependence on $\Delta$.
Friday 6 Dec 2024
13:00 – 14:00

Daniel Oi (University of Strathclyde, UK)
Space Quantum Networking
Quantum communications offers the possibility for secure communications, enhancing a range of tasks such as sensing, positioning, navigation & timing, as well as distributed quantum information processing, i.e. networked quantum computers. The fundamental resource for enabling large-scale quantum networks is quantum entanglement that allows quantum information to be transmitted and processed without the risks associated with channel loss and corruption. However, creating entanglement across large distances is challenging due to inherent losses in optical fibres. Alternatively, satellites have been proposed for establishing long-distance links at global scale exploiting the inverse-square intensity drop-off associated with free-space transmission that is exponentially more favourable than fibre losses. The success of the Chinese satellite, Micius, has provided confirmation that satellite quantum communication is feasible, with the distribution of entanglement across a distance of over 1000km, and order of magnitude improvement over terrestrial experiments, as well as quantum teleportation from the Earth to space. In order to extend the reach of quantum links, the use of quantum repeaters and memories are the next steps which would allow networked constellations of satellites to provide coverage to the entire Earth. In this talk, I shall cover progress in the development of satellite quantum communications, the main challenges, and future directions in entanglement distribution from space, and potential realisation of the Space Quantum Internet.
Friday 13 Dec 2024
13:00 – 14:00

Term 2 of 2024/25:
(online on teams)

Friday 17 Jan 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Igor Razgon (Durham University, UK)
Parameterized algorithms for computation of hypertreewidth parameters for restricted classes of hypergraphs
There is a wide range of intractable problems related to Bayesian networks, constraint satisfaction, and databases, where we can naturally identify the underlying hypergraphs. A standard approach of coping with intractability of these problems is assuming that a hypertree width parameter of the underlying hypergraph is small. To make this approach work in practice, the parameter needs to be computed (or closely approximated) at the preprocessing stage. The main topic of this talk is approximation of a parameter of this group called  Generalized Hypertree Width (GHW).

Similarly to treewidth, GHW is a tree decomposition based parameter with the edge cover number used for the bag width instead of bag size minus one. However, the computational complexity of GHW drastically differs from that of treewidth. In particular, it is NP-hard to decide whether GHW of the input hypergraph H is greater than 3. Also, GHW can be seen as a generalization of the Set Cover problem. Therefore, there is little hope for the possibility of FPT approximation of GHW parameterized by GHW. Thus, in order to efficiently compute GHW we need to consider restricted classes of hypergraphs. From the database application perspective, a good candidate for such a restricted class are graphs with bounded multiple intersections. For a class of such graphs, there are constants c and d such that intersection of any c hyperedges is of size at most d. We refer to such a graph as a (c,d)-hypergraph. In [Gottlob, Lanzinger, Pichler, Razgon, JACM 2021] we demonstrated that GHW can indeed be efficiently computed for (c,d)-hypergraphs by designing an XP algorithm (parameterized by GHW) for the GHW computation.

An intriguing question left open is whether GHW can be computed in FPT time for (c,d)-hypergraphs. In [Lanzinger, Razgon, STACS 2024] we made the first step towards resolving the question by demonstrating FPT approximability for (2,d) hypergraphs (where the intersection of any two hyperedges is of size at most d). The motivation behind the result is three-fold. First, it is the first FPT algorithm algorithm computing or approximating a hypertreewidth parameter for hypergraphs of unbounded rank. Second, the algorithm uses a standard methodology for computation of treewidth thus opening up a possibility of a unified framework for treewidth and hypertree width computation. Last, we initiate the study of FPT computation of hypergraph separators having small edge cover.

In this talk, I will formally state the result, provide detailed consideration of the motivation, and overview the main combinatorial ideas behind the algorithm. The talk will end with an extensive discussion of open questions. The talk is of a motivational nature. Therefore, I will make it as self-contained as practically possible given the time limit.
Friday 24 Jan 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Cristina Chueca Del Cerro (Durham University, UK)
Social networks’ structural property interdependencies: a (targeted) rewiring approach
Social networks are known to have certain structural properties that are different from other networks, with skewed degree distributions and relatively high clustering and assortativity coefficients. Some studies have explored how these properties are related to each other but have found conflicting evidence. We use three separate degree-preserving rewiring algorithms to explore the effects of varying a single property on other structural properties. These rewiring algorithms manipulate assortativity, clustering coefficient and mean geodesics. We examined the effect of rewiring on centrality measures (mean and Gini coefficient), clustering, assortativity and network distances. Only a small number of property pairs showed a relationship. Further, where interdependencies do exist, they are conditional and occur only for specific value ranges or with a subset of the tested networks.
Friday 31 Jan 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Raouf Abozariba (Birmingham University, UK)
Empirical wireless network measurement in indoor and outdoor environments
In this talk, I will explore the current landscape of empirical 5G network measurements, focusing on wireless site surveys across outdoor and indoor environments in both rural and urban settings. Despite significant advances in 5G and previous network generations, a substantial gap persists between simulation-based studies and real-world evaluation tools, particularly those available to independent evaluators.

The growing need to verify network capabilities and coverage stems from government and local authorities’ commitments to universal internet access – not just in homes, but across roads and off-road areas. Additionally, spectrum assignment and retention have become increasingly complex as regulators seek to optimise utilisation and accommodate emerging technologies like 5G+ and 6G, requiring diverse frequency bands across FR1, FR2, and FR3. This regulatory scrutiny necessitates regular, detailed measurement campaigns using state-of-the-art data collection and analytical tools. Network capacity has emerged as a critical metric, especially during mass gatherings like sporting events and concerts, presenting unique challenges for independent evaluators who lack backend access. Comprehensive ground-level data can influence and accelerate network upgrades or improve service provision when supported by empirical evidence.

As governments and local authorities navigate budget constraints, there is an increasing demand for affordable, highly automated tools. Moreover, since verifying network capabilities across vast areas is impractical, independent evaluators often rely on interpolation tools. However, the limited transparency of these tools can lead to imprecise coverage information.

The presentation will address various challenges, including limitations in network tools and speed test measurements among other practical challenges. I will emphasise opportunities for developing innovative site survey tools for both outdoor and indoor environments, concluding with an overview of recent trends and developments in cellular network monitoring from a network perspective.
Friday 7 Feb 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Prosanta Gope (University of Sheffield, UK)
Privacy-aware Secure Authentication and Handover Protocols for 5G-enabled Mobile Communication
The evolution of mobile communication has facilitated technological advancements that enable seamless global connectivity. With the advent of 5G technology, wireless communication has taken a significant leap forward, promising unparalleled speed, capacity, and connectivity. As we enter this era of advanced communication, we also need to consider its implications for security and privacy. The integration of 5G technology brings new opportunities and challenges, making it essential to thoroughly examine the security and privacy frameworks that support this advanced network. Compared to the previous mobile communication generations, 5G offers a more robust security infrastructure by strengthening two key protocols: Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) and Handover (HO). Although 5G-AKA significantly improves security measures, it is worth noting that the current protocols lack support for several essential security and privacy properties, such as forward secrecy, forward privacy, and unlinkability. Thus, a critical need remains to address these gaps to ensure comprehensive protection in 5G networks.
Friday 14 Feb 2025
16:00 – 17:00

Please note the different time!
Sergio Rajsbaum (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Distributed Decision Problems: Concurrent Specifications beyond Binary Relations
Much discussion exists about what is computation, but less about what is a computational problem. In the sequential setting, Turing’s definition of computational problem was based on functions. In a concurrent setting, various notions of distributed problems have been used, under different models of computation, ranging from models equivalent to a Turing machine, to models where much heated discussion has taken place about whether interactive computation is fundamentally different from sequential computing. Often distributed problems for non-terminating interaction are considered. It is argued here that there is no need to go all the way to non-terminating computation, to appreciate how different distributed computation is from sequential computation. In a \emph{decision task} each process of a distributed system starts with an initial private input value, and after communicating with other processes in the system, produces a local output value. An input/output relation is needed, to specify which output values are legal for a particular assignment of input values to the processes. An overview is provided of some results that show how rich the topic of decision tasks can be, when asynchronous processes can fail. We are in a world very different from that of the functions of sequential computation; moving beyond graphs representing binary relations, to the world of simplicial complexes representing n-ary relations.
Friday 21 Feb 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Jia Hu (University of Exeter, UK)
Edge-AI: A Case for Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Task Offloading
Edge-AI represents the seamless integration of edge computing and artificial intelligence (AI), emerging as a dynamic, cross-domain research area that fuses distributed computing, wireless edge networks, and machine learning. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of Edge-AI, outlining its vision, core objectives, and the challenges it faces. Next, I will focus on two specific research perspectives: collaborative learning over edge networks and optimized edge computing empowered by AI. Specifically, I will present cutting-edge research including our work on secure and efficient federated learning as well as deep reinforcement learning-based intelligent task offloading for edge computing.
Friday 28 Feb 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Hossein Anisi (University of Essex, UK)
Powering the Future with IoT: Building Efficient, Secure and Scalable Smart Systems
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries by connecting smart devices, enabling seamless communication, and automating processes through a structured architecture of sensors, networks, and data processing systems. At its core, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) provide the foundation for IoT by collecting and transmitting data, facilitating applications in smart cities, healthcare, and energy management. However, with increased connectivity comes heightened cybersecurity risks, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and device manipulation, making encryption, authentication, and threat detection essential. Additionally, efficient resource allocation is crucial to optimize network performance, manage energy consumption, and enhance computing efficiency through strategies like AI-driven optimization and edge computing. These elements collectively drive industrial applications, revolutionizing many sectors like manufacturing, facility management, and agriculture by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enabling real-time decision-making. Understanding the interplay of WSNs, cybersecurity, and resource management is key to unlocking IoT’s full potential in shaping a smarter, more connected world.
Friday 7 Mar 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Oliver Kullmann (Swansea University, UK)
Automated search for pandiagonal Latin squares
Latin squares have been studied since the days of Euler. After some overview on the history and background, an effort for a complete enumeration of special types of Latin squares of order 13, by as completely automated means as possible (which is currently actually not possible), will be presented and evaluated. The main method here is Cube-and-Conquer (C&C), a kind of 2-stage SAT-solving. Quite some fine-tuning of representation and choice of solver was needed, and will be discussed (at some high level).

The overarching theme is that of adaptable C&C, that is, produce intelligent splittings of the problems given to (standard) SAT-solvers.
Thursday 13 Mar 2025
15:00 – 16:00

Please note the different day and time!
Berk Canberk (Edinburgh Napier University, UK)
AI-Driven Digital Twins: Redefining Industry 4.0 with Ultra-Low Latency Intelligence
The rapid advancements in the 6G era are ushering the world into an age of hyper-connected intelligence, where real-time Digital Twin deployments will play a pivotal role. Digital Twins are set to revolutionize key industries by enabling real-time monitoring, automation, and decision-making processes through seamless integration with AI, edge computing, and advanced visualization technologies such as AR/VR. These systems will also enhance the connectivity landscape, with millions of devices connected per square kilometre, supporting real-time interactions at unprecedented levels of precision. At the core of this transformation is also the Digital Twin Network (DTN), a virtual representation of cyber-physical systems and their dynamic interactions. DTs offer unparalleled advantages in resilience, sustainability, and real-time control, making them invaluable for research, testing, and optimization. This talk will introduce AI-powered Digital Twin technologies and explore their role in enabling ultra-low latency communications, edge intelligence, and real-time simulation models. Through key use cases, such as predictive maintenance, intelligent scheduling, risk assessment, and anomaly detection, The talk will showcase how DTs are being leveraged to address industry-specific challenges across supply chain management, smart manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities. The discussion will also delve into the critical challenges faced by DTs, including reliability, latency, capacity, and scalability, while highlighting the opportunities for future growth in Industry 4.0 and beyond.
Friday 21 Mar 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Elisa Bellotti (Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis & University of Manchester, UK)
Building on shifting sands: network exposure, complex contagion and negative ties in explaining adoption of disease-prevention behaviors
Despite a remarkable decline in global incidence over the past two decades, the full eradication of malaria remains a major global health challenge. An estimated 249 million malaria cases still occurred in 85 endemic countries in 2022, according to the World Health Organization, which has set a goal of reducing global incidence by 90% by 2030. Achieving this target requires increased efforts to address persistent local malaria clusters. These are often located in hard-to-reach populations in marginalized areas of the Global South, where conventional large-scale interventions may prove insufficient hence presenting unique challenges for public health policies. Effectively fighting malaria in these settings requires smaller, context-specific interventions informed by localized knowledge.

Large scale interventions tend to focus on indoor mosquito bites’ preventive strategies such as long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). Residual malaria transmission take place in outdoor contexts, where exposure occurs during occupational activities, outdoor sleeping, or social gatherings due to limited adoption of protective measures against outdoor mosquito biting. This challenge is particularly concerning given that effective solutions exist. For example, topical insecticides and repellents, available in various forms such as sprays, lotions, and creams, have been proven to provide cost-effective protection against outdoor biting, and individuals generally acknowledge the effectiveness of these preventive measures. However, an important gap remains between recognition and implementation – the adoption of these protective measures at the community level consistently falls short of the critical mass necessary to achieve meaningful epidemiological impact.

In this presentation, we first explore the factors that drive the adoption of multiple preventive behaviors. We propose a multilevel social network framework that allows us to study the effects of individual and social factors on multiple disease prevention behaviors simultaneously. We apply this approach to examine the factors explaining eight malaria prevention behaviors, using unique interview data collected from 1,529 individuals in 10 hard-to-reach, malaria-endemic villages in Meghalaya, India in 2020-2022. To these people we asked who they talk to about health related matters and what type of malaria preventive behaviors they adopt, together with individual characteristics and their role as opinion leaders in the villages. Statistical network modelling reveals exposure to similar behaviors in one’s social network as the most important factor explaining prevention behaviors. Further, we find that households indirectly shape behaviors as key contexts for social ties. Together, these two factors are crucial for explaining the observed patterns of behaviors and social networks in the data, outweighing individual characteristics, opinion leaders, and social network size.

We then move the attention to the potential role of negative ties. We select two of the ten villages that compose our sample where we asked villagers not only who they talk to about health related matters, but also who they intentionally avoid talking to, and we focus on just one malaria preventive behavior, the use of insecticide cream. We developed an agent-based model of the villagers’ decision to use the insecticidal cream as a random utility maximization problem. We calibrated the model for goodness of fit on Village 1 health-discussion signed network data, while we separately validated it on Village 2 data. Our results identify a dual mechanism combining high-threshold complex contagion and negative influence that explains the persistently low adoption rates of insecticidal cream. In other words, overcoming personal resistance to using the cream required a relatively high prevalence of users among their positive ties, but the positive impact provided by such an unlikely situation is offset by observing just one negative tie using the cream, so that having a negative tie with a cream user decreased the villagers’ probability of using the cream by 5.5%, net of the other modelled factors.

Taken together, the two studies emphasize the importance of social networks in behavioral adoption: while network exposure drives adoption more than any individual characteristics, the nature of ties – positive or negative is essential in explaining embracing or resisting new practices. We conclude our talk by reflecting on how large scale interventions could be complemented with targeted efforts that rely on social influence in interpersonal relations to increase the uptake of alternative prevention techniques. Such efforts could support downstream elimination goals, including influencing the acceptance of a malaria vaccine. Future studies based on our approach could help to develop network-based strategies to promote multiple prevention behaviors for various infectious and non-communicable diseases.

Term 3 of 2024/25:
(online on zoom)

Friday 2 May 2025
13:00 – 14:00
He Sun (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Wednesday 7 May 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Room: MCS 1022 (Vis Lab)

Co-organized with the
SciComp Research Group

NOTE: different day and place
Julian Hall (University of Edinburgh, UK)